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TarkanRomania Management Team.

Monday, May 12, 2008

!!! Coming soon: Dedikodu Video !!!

Conform relatarilor presei turcesti, intr-un interviu de saptaman trecuta, Tarkan (care se afla intr-o dispozitie foarte vesela, dupa o petrecere cu Metin Arolat pentru a sarbatori cel de-al 3-lea videoclip de pe albumul Metamorfoz) a declarat ca urmatoarele 2 videoclipuri vor fi cele care au castigat poll-ul desfasurat pe site-ul sau oficial.
In ciuda zvonurilor ca ar face un videoclip pentru piesa Arada Bir, artistul a declarat ca tocmai a incheiat filmarile la Dedikodu, si ca Dili Duduk este cel care urmeaza, si va fi finalizat inainte de inceperea verii si a seriei de concerte.
Videoclipul Dedikodu a fost regizat de Metin Arolat, cel care a regizat si Kuzu Kuzu.

Acccording to news from the Turkish Press, in an interview dated last week, Tarkan (who was in a very joyfull mood after a party with Metin Arolat, celebrating the 3rd video on Metamorfoz) declared that the next 2 videos will be the winners of the poll that was held on his official website.
In spite of the rumours that Arada Bir will be the next song to be turned into a video, the artist said that he had just ended the filming for Dedikodu, and that Dili Duduk is next on the list, and that it will be finished before the begining of the summer and of the concert series.
Dedikodu was directed by Metin Arolat, who also directed Kuzu Kuzu.