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TarkanRomania Management Team.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tarkan and the children
Pe 23 Aprilie Tarkan a cantat live intr-un show difuzat de televiziunea de stat turca, in cadrul celui de-al 30-lea Festival International al Copiilor, organizat de televiziunea de stat turca si de radioul de stat turc, festival ce a avut loc in insoritul oras Antalya. La festivitati au participant copii din 38 de tari. 1600 de copii, dintre care 800 din afara tarii, imbracati in costume traditionale sau costumati ca personaje din desene animate, au traversat orasul de la Parcul Karaalioglu pana la Piata Cumhuriyet, ca parte a festivitatilor. In timpul marsului, 50 de porumbei albi au fost eliberati, ca un simbol al apelului la pacea in lume. Printre tarile care au participat la festival s-a numarat si Romania.
On April 23rd, Tarkan sang in a show live on TRT for the 30th International Children’s Festival, organized by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), which took place in the sunny Antalya. Children from 38 countries attended the festival. A total of 1,600 children, including 800 from abroad, dressed in traditional costumes and cartoon character costumes marched from Karaalioğlu Park to Cumhuriyet Square in Antalya as part of the festivities. “During the march, 50 ‘doves of peace’ were released to symbolize a call for world peace. Among the countries which participated in the festival there was also Romania.