
Hello everyone!

Welcome to the official TarkanRomania fan site! All fans out there, please enjoy the latest news, pictures and events!

Sincerelly yours,

TarkanRomania Management Team.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tarkan and the children

Pe 23 Aprilie Tarkan a cantat live intr-un show difuzat de televiziunea de stat turca, in cadrul celui de-al 30-lea Festival International al Copiilor, organizat de televiziunea de stat turca si de radioul de stat turc, festival ce a avut loc in insoritul oras Antalya. La festivitati au participant copii din 38 de tari. 1600 de copii, dintre care 800 din afara tarii, imbracati in costume traditionale sau costumati ca personaje din desene animate, au traversat orasul de la Parcul Karaalioglu pana la Piata Cumhuriyet, ca parte a festivitatilor. In timpul marsului, 50 de porumbei albi au fost eliberati, ca un simbol al apelului la pacea in lume. Printre tarile care au participat la festival s-a numarat si Romania.

On April 23rd, Tarkan sang in a show live on TRT for the 30th International Children’s Festival, organized by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT), which took place in the sunny Antalya. Children from 38 countries attended the festival. A total of 1,600 children, including 800 from abroad, dressed in traditional costumes and cartoon character costumes marched from Karaalioğlu Park to Cumhuriyet Square in Antalya as part of the festivities. “During the march, 50 ‘doves of peace’ were released to symbolize a call for world peace. Among the countries which participated in the festival there was also Romania.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More new concert dates

With many thanks to Karina, who discovered them.
Ayhan Gunyl, Tarkan's guitarist (yes, the lovely guy who looks like Banderas, and plays the guitar like Santana) has listed the concert dates on his website:

The dates are as follows:

Bakü 09.05.2008
Bakü 10.05.2008

Antalya 12.05.2008

Yeditepe Ünvst. 16.05.2008

St.Petersburg 27.05.2008

Manavgat 21.06.2008

Sotchi (Rusya) 04.07.2008

Açıkhava / İstanbul 04.08.2008
Açıkhava / İstanbul 05.08.2008

Diyarbakır 07.08.2008

Gaziantep 09.08.2008

Adana 11.08.2008

Kayseri 13.08.2008

Antalya 15.08.2008

Açıkhava / İstanbul 18.08.2008
Açıkhava / İstanbul 19.08.2008

Trabzon 24.08.2008

Ankara 27.08.2008

Parkorman / İstanbul 30.08.2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

London's Playlist

Duminica, 13 Aprilie, Tarkan a sustinut un concert la Londra, pe celebrul stadion Wembley. Cantaretul turc a interpretat 22 de piese, Kuzku kuzu fiind cea aleasa pentru deschiderea concertului. Putem spune ca in acest concert uimitor, Tarkan a acoperit toate albumele care l-au facut celebru. Mai jos puteti gasi piesele care au rasunat pe Wembley duminica seara.

On Sunday, April the 13th, Tarkan held a concert in London, on the famous Wembley Stadium. The Turkish pop-star sang 22 songs, and Kuzu Kuzu was the chosen one for opening the concert. We can say that in this amazing concert Tarkan managed to cover all the albums that made him famous. Below you can find the play list of th songs that rocked Wembley on Sunday night.

1. Kuzu Kuzu
2. Hop Hop
3. Arada bir
4. Kis Günesi
5. Pare Pare
6. Hüp Ozinga remix
7. Bam Teli
8. Gül doktum yollarina
9. Yandim
10. Bounce
11. Dedikodu
12. Simarik
13. Cat Kapi
14. Istanbul Agliyor
15. Gülümse Kaderine
16. Vazgecemem (goosebumps & tears in my eyes)
17. Start the fire
18. Bu Gece
19. Unutmamali
20. Dudu
21. Vay Anam Vay
22. Dilli Düdük

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Concert Dates - 2008

13 April - London

9-10 May - Baku

24 May - Istanbul

21 June - Manavgat

26 July - Bolu

29 July - Erdek

Monday, April 7, 2008

Saturday, April 5, 2008